How To Install WordPress on XAMPP Server

Xampp is cross platform for php development, which allows to create a local server on machine and run php script efficiently. Most of people know how to install Xampp on windows pc ? and How to install wordpress on Xampp ? But yes, I’m sure few developers or people don’t know this because they get a well managed platform for development from IT firms.

Hence, Localhost is essential part to run PHP script or WordPress website. It runs your more quickly other than online sites because of limitness and availability of offline resources. Localhost is more secure and ideal environment to test your website and prevent it from threats.

So let’s know about Xampp first:-

XAMPP stands for cross-platform, Apache, MySQL, PHP and Perl. It’s a simple and lightweight solution that allows you to create a local web server for testing purposes. Since XAMPP is cross-platform, it also works on Mac and Linux, but today we’re going to focus on how to set up XAMPP on Windows.

How to install Xampp on windows ?

  • Download latest version from official site and another verified resources and run the installer.
  • Select required componenets, setup installation directory and click to next.
  • Wait for completion of setup process and click to setup Xampp control panel. You can stop and start processes and local server is ready.

How to setup WordPress ?

  • Download latest version of wordpress from WordPress official site and extract file to anywhere.
  • Go to the XAMPPfolder on your computer and open the htdocs folder and move unziped folder here – C:/Program Files/XAMPP/htdocs.
  • Open your browser and go to localhost/WordPress [ WordPress is name of directory, that you moved to htdocs folder. ]
  • Now it will ask some details to complete this 5 minutes setup process like language, email and database credits.

Congratulations, you have setup WordPress on local system and you can customize according to you. Login to admin panel, Install required plugins for Website Optimization and SEO, Contacts, Newsletter, Post and Comments, User Role and many more..

You can also read about How to do Leverage Browser Caching in WordPress ?

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